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LaTeX tutorials

In 2020 and 2021, I gave a series of tutorials on the use of LaTeX, with many hard-learned tips. Here are the resources (in French):

  • Beginning with LaTeX PDF
  • Writing my PhD with LaTeX PDF

Teaching Assistant

During the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 school years, I have been teaching assistant for a total of 147h at the Earth Sciences department of Université Côte d’Azur.

As a teaching assistant, I had several responsabilities:

  • Give seminars and tutorials to groups of 3 to 25 students
  • Design new problems for these seminars, homework and exams
  • Provide assistance to the students

Informatics, L1 (21h x2 = 42h). Practical work with Scilab for 1st year bachelor students.
Mathematics, L2 (15h x2 = 30h). Algebra seminars or tutorials for 2nd year bachelor students.
Plate Tectonics, L2 (15h). Seminars or tutorials about plate tectonics and geomagnetism for 2nd year bachelor students.
Physics of the Earth, L2 (9h x2 = 18h). Seminars or tutorials for 2nd year bachelor students.
Field trips for L1, L2 and L3 (21h x2 = 42h). Cartography and geophysics (seismic acquisition, electric acquisition).