Théa Ragon bio photo

Outreach and Scientific mediation

I have been involved in several outreach projects, or projects for education to scientific culture. Here are some excerpts.

Sismos à l’école

sismoalecole Now part of the Science in Schools education project, whose aim is to promote scientific culture in schools, by bringing scientific experiments, instruments and researchers to classrooms. I taught classes with fun experiments with pastas and soundmeters to explain earthquakes and seismic risks. I visited middle school students for cycles of 4 to 5 classes. Children loved to play with “earthquake-like” experiments, and having a female scientist in class conveyed a powerful message.

My PhD in 180 seconds

mt180 I presented uncertainties in our knowledge of earthquakes with a chocolate analogy. It worked so well I still use it! I gave several outreach presentations related to this event in the years 2017-2019.

Scientific mediation and outreach talks

Ragon,T. Accounting for what we don’t know to model earthquakes, explained with chocolate. Event Mon TPE en 300s, Geoazur, Valbonne, Fr, 2018. (invited)
Ragon,T. Accounting for what we don’t know to model earthquakes, explained with chocolate. Scientific days of Observatoire Côte d’Azur, Nice, Fr, 2017. (invited)
Ragon,T. Accounting for what we don’t know to model earthquakes, explained with chocolate. Regional final of 3 minutes thesis, Nice, Fr, 2017.